Need help translating message board postings from Polish to

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Need help translating message board postings from Polish to

Post by Moondragon »

Hi - I'm new here and looking for a wee bit of help. I'm a modertor of a message board based in the USA for a up and coming young actor. We have allowed a group of posters on the Forum to post in their native Polish. However, we need to ensure that they are following the Forum's guidelines.

Of late, we have a suspicion that there may be posts that do not follow our forum's guidelines, some of which are based on the actor's request that speculations about his personal life (his family, who he may or may not be dating etc) not be discussed on the Forum. He's also requested that only appropriate discussions and language be used on the board. While he has a wornderful sense of humor, he realizes that many of his fans are young teenage girls and does not want the discussion or language to become suggestive or inappropriate for young teens. In many ways, he is as protective of his fans as he is of his private life.This young man is quite interactive with his fans and a very good role model for young people today. He has and is willing to discuss his professional life/career with his fans. He answered questions from his fans and is very generous with his free time for charity events where he makes personal contact with this fans. Therefore, we make a concerted effort to comply with his requests.

Could someone help me translate these two posts so that I can ensure that the subject matter is in compliance with the posting guidelines. If it isn't a gentle reminder will be posted on the topic thread so move the posters back on track.



Poster #1
Przepraszam Was, kochane moje , ¿e nie spyta³am o to, czy mogê za³o¿yæ nowy temat. Jakoœ tak samo wysz³o. Ale chcia³abym od razu napisaæ ma³¹ petycjê do Was.
Bardzo wszystkich tutaj lubiê, ale zaczynam czuæ siê troszkê obco i jakoœ...nie na temat. Zauwa¿cie ile osób odesz³o z naszej rodziny, ja nie chcia³abym tego robiæ, ale jakoœ nie mogê znaleŸæ tutaj miejsca dla siebie. Kiedyœ na forum Brendana mówi³yœmy o Brendanie, a je¿eli nie do koñca o nim, to przynajmniej o Roswellku lub czymœ nie tak bardzo odbiegaj¹cym od tych tematów.Dowiedzia³am siê z kilku Ÿróde³, ¿e pisanie dziesiêciu postów w stylu:"Jesteœ tu?","Oj nie wiem co pisaæ...." itd. to jednak nie najlepszy pomys³. Widzê tu jak¹œ dziwn¹ pogoñ za gwiazdkami, czy punktami.Nie wiem czy przepraszaæ za to co piszê? Ale chyba nie, bo nawet je¿eli ja bym siê myli³a, to s¹ inne osoby tego samego zdania. Mo¿e nie jesteœcie tego œwiadome, ale jak wchodzi siê po 2 dniach i widzi te 100 nowych postów, które nota bene nie maj¹ szczególnych treœci dla kogoœ kto nie uczestniczy w tej,w sumie, prywatnej rozmowie.Ju¿ od dawna chcia³am to powiedzieæ.Czujê siê odpowiedzialna za ten polski pokój, mo¿e nie s³usznie- ale pamiêtam jak za³o¿ylam ten pierwszy pokoik i to wtedy poczu³am, ¿e jestem tak jakby "operatorem" tego, co stworzy³am. Nie chcê nikomu niczego narzucaæ.Po prostu proszê Was o kilka rzeczy:
-nie piszcie tylu postów na raz-próbujcie zamieœciæ to co chcecie powiedzieæ w 1 lub 2 postach
-texty troszku bardziej na temat
To tyle ,nie zanudzam wiêcej.
Nie chcê, ¿eby to forum straci³o swój wspania³y klimat, który mia³o wczeœniej.
¯yczê mi³ego pisania i proszê o rozwa¿enie moich s³ów
Wasza Maja
PS Je¿eli ktoœ ma do mnie jakieœ uwagi chêtnie pos³ucham
Poster #2
Maju,siostrzyczko kochana!!!Masz racje,troche za bardzo myslalysmy o gwiazdkach choc kilka razy poruszalysmy wazne brendanowe sprawy.Nie wiem czy powinnam pisac juz w nowym pokoiku,ale nie bede u czesto wiec pewnie wykonczycie tamten.
Mam temat do dyskusji
Otorz,przeczytalam ostatnio,cosik o Majandrze -przestarzale jak sadze! i bylo tam,ze sa nadal z Brendanem(nadazacie?).No wiec,zastanawiam sie,czy mozliwe byloby,zeby byli oni razem i nikt o tym nie wiedzial.Oczywiscie ukrywanie sekretow intymnych to dzialka Jasona a Brendan dzieli sie zyciem z fanami,ale moze...
Pewnie to glupie

Again, your help will be greatly appreciated.
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Post by didine »


I can translate those two texts. First I would need you to give me the address of you message board, as some parts of the texts are impossible to understand out of context.


Post by Guest »

didine Thank you so much. Actually there are two Polish topic threads that you may want to review. One if the originating thread and the one I'm concerned about it the continuation of that orginal thread (which was closed at approx 250 posts which is our practice).

The url to the originating thread is ... 5&t=002200

The continuation thread is ... 5&t=002206

Thanks for your help.

Moon :D
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