Translation For a Tattoo - Irish Gaelic

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Translation For a Tattoo - Irish Gaelic

Post by Izousa »

Hi guys,

I am planning on having a tattoo and I will be writing it in Irish Gaelic. My grandma is Irish and I wanted something that "most" people will not be able to read and make it more personal. She's very important to my heart but she lives in the US and i'm in Belgium.

The English sentence is "I love you, Maudie-bear" (Maudie-bear being my nickname since birth, it's important for me to have it also in the translation)

I did a research and got this : " Ta ghra agram duit Mada-mathuin or ta ghra agram duit mada-maithghamhain"
i will be writing it in a Gaelic form also (there isn't a word for Maudie but could I just take the alphabet and write it as is ?)

I hope people will be able to help me up !

Cheers and hugs !
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Re: Translation For a Tattoo - Irish Gaelic

Post by Gearoid_2 »

your tattoo will say that you love yourself?
The English sentence is "I love you, Maudie-bear" (Maudie-bear being my nickname since birth, it's important for me to have it also in the translation)
tá grá agam duit, a bhéir Mhódaí
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