English to Punjabi (simple)

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English to Punjabi (simple)

Post by Jxargo »


I am updating the training manuals for new starters where I work. We monitor incoming emergency calls from elderly and vulnerable clients across the UK. A small number of our clients speak only Punjabi. Normally, we contact their next-of-kin or Language Line but it can be helpful to have 1 or 2 words to recognise and understand.

Whilst Google Translate has been helpful for a few languages we also encounter, it doesn't seem to work well with Punjabi or provide any form of guide to pronunciation.

I would be very grateful if someone could provide appropriate translations along with basic phonetic pronunciation. I have tried to figure out a couple on my own as examples (please correct, as I'm sure they're probably wrong!).

Ambulance - Aimbūlainsa (am-boo-lan-sa)
Police - Pulisa (poo-lees-a)
Fire Brigade
Doctor - Dākatara (duc-turr)
False Alarm

We are not looking to launch into conversation but rather ascertain the nature of the caller's emergency and react accordingly.

Thanks in advance!
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