In every online translator and dictionary I've tried, les patins translates to "the skates" but that makes no sense here. A grandmother isn't likely to love rollerskates, especially on her waxed parquet floor. This isn't a humorous novel so I don't think it is sarcasm, so maybe it's slang? My guess would have been slippers if it hadn't used pantoufles as slippers in the previous sentence. I've pasted my translation below, in case I have anything else incorrect. TIALa rosée du matin mouilla mes pantoufles. Je pris soin de les enlever en rentrant, pour éviter les traces sur le parquet ciré. J’enfilai les patins que ma grand-mère affectionnait tant et je me dirigeai vers la cuisine.
The morning dew wet my slippers. I took care to remove them when I came home, to avoid traces on the waxed parquet floor. I put on the skates my grandmother so loved and I headed for the kitchen.