Two heads are better

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Two heads are better

Post by weebleroxanne »

I'm looking for a few idiomatic expressions that can matched with those in another language, as well as a few random words.

"Two heads are better than one"
"itty-bitty" (meaning a phrase or word that you would use if something was smaller than normal)

"two-faced" meaning someone shows one side of their personality to certain people and then an opposing side to others

"Scaled" meaning covered in scales, as opposed to climbing
"slime" or "slimy"
"sea monster"

"first born"
"second born"

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Re: Two heads are better

Post by ANTHOS »

Here are my suggestions - native French speakers can confirm / improve them.

"Two heads are better than one"
I cant think of this one

"itty-bitty"or this one
"small" petit(e)
"tiny" infime

faux-cul is a colloquial vulgar term that literlally means 'fake-arse'. Very negative term .

"Scaly" (is this the word you mean?)


"slime" or "slimy"
bave / baveux



"sea monster"
monstre de mer

"first born" / "second born"
premier-né, deuxième-né etc.
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Re: Two heads are better

Post by pc2 »

in Brazilian Portuguese:

"Two heads are better than one"
"Duas cabeças pensam melhor que uma." (litt. "Two heads think better than one (does).")

in Brazilian Portuguese, one would use a suffix rather than an isolate word.
the suffix for diminutives (translating as "little") is inho (for masculine nouns) and inha (for feminine nouns).
a suffix meaning "itty-bitty" could be inhozinho (for masc.) and inhazinha (for fem.), which means something really tiny, and is an emphasis of the first suffix inho/a. for example:
gato ("cat") --> gatinho ("little cat" or "kitty") --> gatinhozinho ("itty-bitty kitty").
it can be used to emphasize the fact that it is smaller than normal, and it's generally used in an affective manner. but it can also be used only to express affection, not necessarily meaning something which is literally tiny.

"small" pequeno
"tiny" minúsculo, ínfimo

"two-faced" de duas caras

"Scaled" hmmm... we don't know this one.
"puddles" poças
"slime" lama, lodo
"slimy" enlodado
"horse" cavalo
"sea" mar
"sea monster" monstro marinho

"first born" primogênito
"second born" no special word for this one. one could say: segundo filho
Merci de corriger notre français si nécessaire.
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Re: Two heads are better

Post by Charitinoula »

In Greek :

"Two heads are better than one"-"Δύο είναι καλύτεροι από έναν" {dio ine kaliteri apo ena}
"itty-bitty" -"μικρούλι"{mikrouli} or even "κούτσικο" {koutsiko} <--that means actually "tiny and cute" ^^
"small"-"μικρό" {mikro}

"two-faced"-"διπρόσωπος" {diprosopos}

"Scaled" -
"φολιδωτός" {folidotos}
"puddles"-"λακούβες" {lakouves}
"slime" or "slimy"-"γλίτσα" {glitsa} or "γλοιώδης"{gliodis}
"sea monster"-"θαλάσσιο τέρας" {thalasio teras}

"first born"-"πρωτότοκος"{prototokos}
"second born"-"δευτερότοκος"{defterotokos}

Hope that helped ^_^!
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Re: Two heads are better

Post by Olivier »

In Hungarian:

"Two heads are better than one" = Több szem többet lát (more eyes can see more)
or more literaly: Két fej többet ér, mint egy (two heads are worth more than one)

"itty-bitty" = ici-pici (in fact English itsy-bitsy comes from Hungarian ici-pici, which is itself a Hungarian-style "expressive repetition" of pici)
"small" = kicsi (alone), kis (before a noun, hence the frequent family name: Kiss)
"tiny" = pici

"two-faced" = kétszínű (two-coloured, though an old meaning of szín may be face, like in Biblical style: Isten színe előtt = before the face of God - which is a duplicate translation of the original Hebrew that expresses "before, in front of" as: lipne "at the face of")

"Scaled", "as opposed to climbing"
I don't understand? if it is "scaly" like fish: pikkelyes

"puddles" = pocsolyák (singular: pocsolya)

"slimy" = nyálkás, or (like the edge of a lake, in French: vaseux): iszapos

"horse" = ló

"sea" = tenger (from a Turkic word related to Turkish deniz)
"sea monster" = tengeri szörny

"first born" = elsőszülött
"second born"= másodszülött
Se nem kicsi, se nem nagy: Ni trop petit(e), ni trop grand(e):
Éppen hozzám való vagy! Tu es juste fait(e) pour moi!
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